I had this blog back in 2016. I abandoned it because I psyched myself out. I felt the pressure to post no’s on time and in full, to have perfect photos, perfect recipes, that no one would ever want to read my content unless it looked like the glossy pages of Ina Garten. How many millions of people are out here  trying to do the same  thing as me? How many people with more time, talent, experience, less age, responsibilities and fear are doing it and still aren’t successful? 

For the last eleven years I have been a teacher. I teach kids to write their own stories and breathe life into them. I teach kids to do what they love, not what they are good at. I teach kids to conquer their fear and say why not me? But now, I feel like a hypocrite. I have kept things safe for years and you know what? It has still been exhausting. It has been exhausting to hold space for my fear and let it dictate so many massive decisions in my life. Sure, I collaborate with these young artists, but I am creating nothing of my own. I am not taking my own advice. 

 So now, I have decided to do it scared. I am typing this on an iPad with a Bluetooth keyboard. I will be filming and taking photos off of a crappy little iPhone 12 mini with a tripod from Five Below. I ask you to click “skip to the recipe” and take what you want and leave what you don’t. I will put my voice out there, vulnerably, and ask you to be kind and gentle when the internet typically is the last place to find kind and gentle voices. I ask you to collaborate with me and tell me when I am wrong, to educate me on your own experiences when my words hit a nerve.

Let's learn together. And eat some snacks.